Wednesday, October 10, 2012

a hard thing to write

It has been a long time coming. I have done many weight loss plans and diets. I'm still not exactly sure how this will look. I have been motivated by many things, and people but when I saw how bold two of my very good friends were, I decided it was time. I knew I'd be able to report to them and we could hold each other accountable. I sit here and write this, completely unsure, but knowing that it is time. It is very difficult to be this bold with people, but it's time. The reason I am being so bold about this is for accountability. I ask that you do not harass me with what I should or shouldn't eat, but rather support me and encourage me, I may fail, especially in the beginning, please pray for me. This is hard, but I want to get my life back. I've been overweight most of my life and haven't enjoyed it. My dad passed away due to health issues and I want to be able to live a long life, and be able to run and play with my children and grandchildren, Lord willing. I am joining this journey with Chelsea and Lisa and hope that, although we are far apart that we can encourage each other and support each other through this. We WILL be stronger for it, and healthier! I am going to start drinking more water and cutting out junk food as well as unhealthy carbs. I have done weight watchers, and enjoyed that I could eat what I wanted, but in moderation and may continue that again. Right now, I weigh 310 and would like to lose 140lbs.
Please, feel free to comment.

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