Saturday, October 20, 2012

A week into it...

I know, I know, it's been over a week since I wrote. I've held off because this week didn't really count because I've been sick, really sick. I started off with a sore throat on Oct. 11/12. I thought it was just a cold, so did my normal routine of taking Vitamin C, Echinacea and spraying my throat with menthol Dristan (I know, sounds gross, but it works wonders)! So, Saturday comes along, and I'm hardly able to swallow, and now add a cough at this point. I push through the weekend until Monday so I can get medication, the doctor doesn't take long to determine that it is a bad case of Strep Throat. He puts me on meds (which to my surprise were 80% under the school drug plan--awesome surprise)! Anyhow, after a week of being in bed, I'm still not 100%, apparently with the meds I'm on, you are supposed to eat yogurt, hence, why I'm not back to normal yet. I weighed myself on Wednesday (a week from when I originally posted) and I was down 11 lbs. I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 21 lbs. Not exactly the way I wanted to go about losing weight, but hoping this has given me a kickstart to this new lifestyle.

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